Exploring the Feasibility of Deliberately Designing VR Motion that Diverges from Mundane, Everyday Physical Motion to Create More Entertaining VR Experiences
CHI'24 PAPER | 20 JAN 2024

How can our daily commuting experience be enhanced with mixed reality (MR) technology?

This work aim at investigating the feasibility of deliberately designing virtual motion that diverges from users’ physical movements, with the aim of transforming modern mundane, everyday motions (such as those on metro, bus, or train) into more entertaining experiences (such as roller coaster or rail shooter). My contribution focuses on the perceptual design and modeling of manipulating motion sensation, along with the development of corresponding virtual environments.


This work is currently in the conditionally acceptance phase for the ACM CHI’24 paper track. The PDF will be provided on request.

VeeR Setting

Contributor: Pin Chun Lu, Che Wei Wang, Yu Lun Hsu, Alvaro Lopez, Ching-Yi Tsai, Chiao-Ju Chang, Wei Tian Mireille, and Mike Y. Chen